Name: Bryce Gilbert
Date of Birth: 7 November 2002
Family: Gilberts and Prestons
Are your parents involved in Harness Racing? Yes
What are your racing colours? Purple White Braces
How long have you been driving ponies? 1 Season
What is your pony's name? PJ
Do you work your pony most days? No
First Pony: PJ
First Pony Winner: PJ
Favourite Racing Horse: Dixie Chick Dreama
Favourite Racing Driver: Barry Preston
Most Admired Person: Grandma, Angela (teacher)
Most Thrilling Moment: First win
What sports do you play? Soccer, swimming
Favourite Drink: Creaming Soda
Favourite Food: Chocolate, junk food
Favourite TV Show: Ben 10
Favourite Music: Johnny Cash
Favourite Pastime: School
Likes: Building things
Dislikes: Snakes
Ambition: Builder
Updated: 25/10/09