Saturday 22nd November 2008

Sponsored by The Wise Family


1st           Westbury Bogart – Jacob Starick

2nd          Spirit – Shannon Platts

3rd           *Little Kizz – Jacinta Gilbert

4th           Magpie Mary – Jodie Billinger

5th           Mr Murphy –

6th           Born To Be Wild – Hayley Lehmann

Scr          Whataday – Jessica Pascoe

Scr          Lord Monty – Jordan Starick

Scr          Mumbo Jumbo – Samantha Pascoe


Westbury Bogart & Little Kizz

Smart looking pony Westbury Bogart driven by Jacob Starick must of heard the commentator mention he was up for sale, and showed the crowd how well he can trot and won very easily.  Anybody interested in purchasing Westbury Bogart please refer to the Classified section of the Website.




1st           Mr Mischief –

2nd          Chilli Knights – Brodie Webster

3rd           Way To Go – Kathryn Lehmann

4th           Little Kizz – Christie Gilbert

Scr          Mission Impossible – Samantha Pascoe

Scr          Wynkie Sweet Fairytales – Jodie Billinger


Mr Mischief winning

Well, not like his name might suggest Mr Mischief was definitely not mischievous and trotted perfectly all the way to score a very easy win.  Well Done.




1st           Till We Meet Again – Brodie Webster

2nd          Wandarra Tess – Jack Wenham

3rd           Oungachucka – Chantelle Rendall

4th           Billy The Kid – Brett Lowe

5th           My Little Pony – Jennifer Lehmann

6th           PJ – Bryce Gilbert

Scr          Midnight Star – Jodie Billinger

Scr          Talking Donkey - Katelin Richter

Scr          Ben Bailey - Grayden Richter


Till We Meet Again 1st; Wandarra Tess 2nd; Oungachucka 3rd

Probably the most strategic of the young drivers Brodie Webster took all the inside runs to win easily with Till We Meet Again who a lot of you might remember as Timmy All Sorts.  Hasn't he been a great pony to a lot of the young drivers.  Well Done Brodie.




1st           Aussie – Jodie Billinger

2nd          Sundance – Brett Lowe

3rd           Monkey Business – Chantelle Dodd

4th           Cheeky Charlie – Jacob Starick

5th           Little Paleface –


Aussie driven by Jodie Billinger

Aussie driven by Jodie Billinger won the last of the pony races.  Since the pony season has commenced Aussie and Cheeky Charlie have been fighting the finish out every week.  After Cheeky Charlie driven by Jacob Starick won last week and being rehandicapped 20m it gave Aussie the chance to score a win too.  Jodie had a few of her friends at the trots so it was a good night to win on her own pony.